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May 5, 2022

How to profile your PHP applications with Xdebug cover image

How to profile your PHP applications with Xdebug

Code profiling is a practice that is worth to be known when you need optimize your application to make it meet some performance requirements. It might even become your best fellow when it comes to solve efficiently some performance issues, either in...


February 7, 2022

Ending an Open Source project (Mapael) cover image

Ending an Open Source project (Mapael)

I wanted to write a little post about Mapael and its future, as this project occupied me during several years and has gained some popularity year after year, but I didn't talk about it since a long time. I began to develop Mapael from scratch in 2013...


March 8, 2018

Titanic Kaggle challenge cover image

Titanic Kaggle challenge

Here is my first kernel along with my very first attempt with the Titanic challenge (newbie still learning ...). The goal is to achieve a binary classification in order to predict whether a passenger survived the Titanic sinking (variable 'Survived')....


November 14, 2017

Les accidents de la circulation de 2005 à 2016 visualisés avec R cover image

Les accidents de la circulation de 2005 à 2016 visualisés avec R

En plein apprentissage de R, je vais essayer de mettre en pratique mes connaissances nouvellement acquises au travers d’une mini-étude basique sur les données des accidents corporels de la circulation en France entre 2005 et 2016. Mon objectif...
